Dear Students, welcome to Pothon Pathon Online. In this post we have discussed some question answers from the SEEN Prose The Father's Help Unit 2.
The Father's Help
R.K. Narayan
Swami hoped that with this his father would be made to see why he must avoid school for the day. But Father's behaviour took an unexpected turn. He proposed to send a letter with Swami to the headmaster. No amount of protest from Swami would make him change his mind.
By the time Swami was ready to leave for school, Father had composed a long letter to the headmaster. He put it in an envelope and sealed it.
"What have you written, Father?" Swami asked apprehensively.
"Nothing for you. Give it to your headmaster and go to your class."
"Have you written anything about our teacher Samuel?"
"Yes. Plenty of things."
"What has he done, Father?"
"Everything is there in the letter. Give it to your headmaster."
Swami went to school feeling that he was the worst boy on earth. His conscience bothered him. He wasn't at all sure if his description of Samuel had been accurate. He felt he had mixed up the real and the imagined.
Swami stopped on the roadside to make up his mind about Samuel. Samuel was not such a bad man after all. Personally he was much more friendly than the other teachers. Swami also felt Samuel had a special regard for him.
Swami's head was dizzy with confusion. He could not decide if Samuel really deserved the allegations made against him in the letter. The more he thought of Samuel, the more Swami grieved for him. To recall Samuel's dark face, his thin moustache, unshaven cheek and yellow coat filled Swaminathan with sorrow.
1. Complete the following sentences with information from the text :
A. Father's behaviour took an unexpected turn.
B. Swami stopped on the roadside to : make up his mind about Samuel.
C. Swami went to school feeling : that he was the worst boy on earth.
D. What was bothered him : His conscience bothered him.
E. Personally Samuel was : much more friendly than the other teachers.
F. The more Swami thought of Samuel : the more Swami grieved for him.
G. Samuel's mustache was thin .
H. Samuel was more friendly to Swami than other teachers and Swami also felt a special regard for him.
2. Answer the following questions :
A. Where did Father put the letter ?
Ans: Father put the letter in an envelope and sealed it.
B. Where did Swami fail to decide about Samuel?
Ans: Swami failed to decide if Samuel really deserved the allegations.
C. How did Samuel look?
Ans: Samuel had dark face, thin moustache, unshaven cheek and wore a yellow coat.
D. What was Father's proposal?
Ans: Father proposed to send a letter with Swami to the headmaster.
E. What type of letter was composed by Father?
Ans: Father composed a long letter with allegations against Samuel.
F. Why did Swami stop by the roadside on his way to school?
Ans: Swami stopped to make up his mind about Samuel.
G. What was Swami not sure of ?
Ans: Swami was not sure about his description of Samuel.
3. Answer the following questions briefly :
A. How did Father's attitude get an unexpected turn?
Ans: Father's attitude got an unexpected turn as he became very rigid about Swami's going to the school. He proposed to send a letter with Swami to the headmaster.
B. Why was Swami so eager to know about the content of the letter?
Ans: Swami was so eager to know about the content of the letter because he started to suffer from the prick of conscience. He complained about Samuel. It was false as was best known by him.
C. Stopped on the roadside what was Swami's thinking about Samuel?
Ans: Stopping on the roadside Swami started to think about Samuel. According to him,Samuel was not such a bad man. Personally he was much more friendly than the other teachers.
D. What picture of Samuel appeared in Swami's mind ?
Ans: Swami could recall Samuel's dark face, his thin moustache,unshaven cheek and yellow coat. All these filled Swami's mind with sorrow and sympathy for Samuel.
E. Why did Swaminathan's conscience bother him ?
Ans: Swaminathan's conscience bothered him because he wasn't at all sure if his description of Samuel had been accurate.
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Tags: WBBSE Madhyamik
English Question Answers, Class 10 Father's Help Question Answers with
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