Today we will discuss Voice Change for different types of sentences.
Present Tense
Assertive Sentence
Active Voice: We play cricket.
Passive Voice: Cricket is played by us.
Example: 2
Active Voice: I see pictures.
Passive Voice: Pictures are seen by me.
Example: 3
Active Voice: VK catches the ball.
Passive Voice: The ball is caught by VK.
1. Active to Passive Voice:
(i) My friend tells us the secret.
(ii) The minister informs the Chief-Minister.
(iii) The traffic polices shows the driver red signal.
2. Passive to Active Voice:
(i) Books are kept on the shelves.
(ii) The moon is seen by the child.
Interrogative Sentence
Example: 1
Active Voice: Does the girl break the glass?
Passive Voice: Is the glass broken by the girl?
Example: 2
Active Voice: Where do you find him?
Passive Voice: Where is he found by you?
Example: 3
Active Voice: When do you read the book?
Passive Voice: When is the book read by you?
1. Active to Passive Voice:
(i) Whom do you see in the picture?
(ii) Who kills the bird?
(iii) Who receives the letter?
2. Passive to Active Voice:
(i) How is the toy made by him?
(ii) By whom is the order passed?
Negative Sentence
Example: 1
Active Voice: I do not like tea.
Passive Voice: Tea is not liked by me.
Example: 2
Active Voice: Mira does not cook food.
Passive Voice: Food is not cooked by Mira.
Example: 3
Active Voice: Do we not enjoyed the game?
Passive Voice: Is not the game enjoyed by us?
1. Active to Passive Voice:
(i) The cobbler does not mend the shoes.
(ii) They don't worship the Goddess Durga.
(iii) She does not watch serials.
2. Passive to Active Voice:
(i) Is he not rewarded by the government?
(ii) Are not the beggars given money by the rich man?
Present Continuous Tense
Assertive Sentence
Example: 1
Active Voice: I am writing a letter.
Passive Voice: A letter is being written by me.
Example: 2
Active Voice: They are taking a rest.
Passive Voice: Rest is being taken by them.
Example: 3
Active Voice: Bina is driving a car.
Passive Voice: A car is being driven by Bina.
1. Active to Passive Voice:
(i) Sachin is making a century.
(ii) The time keeper is keeping time.
(iii) Rama is driving a Honda city.
2. Passive to Active Voice:
(i) The patient is being treated by the doctor.
(ii) Clothes are being washed by the washerman.
Interogative & Negative Sentence
Example: 1
Active Voice: Is he not speaking the truth?
Passive Voice: Is not the truth being spoken by him?
Example: 2
Active Voice: The headmaster is not punishing the students.
Passive Voice: Students are not being punished by the Headmaster.
1. Active to Passive Voice:
(i) Am I not obeying the order
(ii) Is not the magician showing magic?
2. Passive to Active Voice:
(i) A speech is not being given by the speaker.
(ii) Is not the door being opened by her?
Present Perfect Tense
Assertive Sentence
Example: 1
Active Voice: She has broken a glass.
Passive Voice: A glass has been broken by her.
Example: 2
Active Voice: The servant has cleaned the rooms.
Passive Voice: Rooms have been cleaned by the servant.
Example: 3
Active Voice: You have killed the rat.
Passive Voice: The rat has been killed by you.
(i) We have visited the Taj Mahal.
(ii) The bookseller has displayed books.
(iii) Virat has given a running commentary on the Champion League tournament.
Interrogative & Negative Sentence
Example: 1
Active Voice: He has not written by letter.
Passive Voice: A letter has not been written by him.
Example: 2
Active Voice: Has not doctor treated the patient?
Passive Voice: Has not the patient been treated by doctor?
Example: 3
Active Voice: Have I not given him suggestions?
Passive Voice: Has he not been given suggestions by me?
(i) Have I not seen you?
(ii) Has not the policeman caught the thief?
(iii) The officer has not issued an order.
(iv) Has not the letter being written by you?
(v) Letters have not yet been delivered by the postman.
Past Tense
Assertive Sentence
Example: 1
Active Voice: I saw a bird.
Passive Voice: A bird was seen by me.
Example: 2
Active Voice: My friend bought some books.
Passive Voice: Some books were bought by my friend.
Example: 3
Active Voice: The minister made plan.
Passive Voice: The plan was made by the minister.
1. Active to Passive Voice:
(i) The minister proposed a plan.
(ii) The doctor treated s heart patient.
(iii) The boy learnt a new lesson.
2. Passive to Active Voice:
(i) A century was made by Shewag.
(ii) The road was blocked by some political party.
Past Continuous Tense
Example: 1
Active Voice: The man was teaching mathematics.
Passive Voice: Mathematics was being taught by the man.
Example: 2
Active Voice: We were helping the poor people.
Passive Voice: The poor people were being helped by us.
Example: 3
Active Voice: The policeman was taking the Bribe.
Passive Voice: The bribe was being taken by the policeman.
1. Active to Passive Voice:
(i) R.D Barman was composing a song.
(ii) The sailors were crossing the sea.
(iii) The hunter was taking aim.
2. Passive to Active Voice:
(i) The picture was being drawn by the artist.
(ii) A bill was being debated by the Lok Sabha.
Past Perfect Tense
Example: 1
Active Voice: I had done the work.
Passive Voice: The work had been done by me.
Example: 2
Active Voice: He had built this house.
Passive Voice: This house had been built by him.
Example: 3
Active Voice: They had liked the offer,
Passive Voice: The offer had been liked by them.
1. Active to Passive Voice:
(i) Had you helped the blind man?
(ii) Rakesh had collected some rare coins.
(iii) The Giant had hated the winter.
2. Passive to Active Voice:
(i) The flowers had not been plucked by the gardener.
(ii) Had the breakfast been taken by them?
Future Tense
Assertive Sentence
Example: 1
Active Voice: Mother will not give permission.
Passive Voice: Permission will not be given by Mother.
Example: 2
Active Voice: Will he give me hope?
Passive Voice: Shall I be given hope by him?
Example: 3
Active Voice: The police will arrest him.
Passive Voice: He will be arrested by the police.
1. Active to Passive Voice:
(i) He will not count the money.
(ii) Will, not Mr Sharma declare the prize?
(iii) The priest will distribute sweets.
2. Passive to Active Voice:
(i) Will he not be obeyed by the students?
(ii) Our country will be attacked by enemy.
Future Perfect Tense
Example: 1
Active Voice: Mother will have cooked rice.
Passive Voice: Rice will have been cooked by mother.
Example: 2
Active Voice: They will have taken their books.
Passive Voice: Their books will have been taken by them.
Example: 3
Active Voice: He will have made a mistake.
Passive Voice: A mistake will have been made by him.
1. Active to Passive Voice:
(i) A famous doctor will have treated the patient.
(ii) They will have protested the proposal.
(iii) Mohit will have neglected his duty.
2. Passive to Active Voice:
(i) The trees will have been planted by the Forest Department.
(ii) The song will have been composed by Mr. Rana.
Modal Auxiliary Sentence
Example: 1
Active Voice: I will give him a pen.
Passive Voice: He will be given a pen by me.
Example: 2
Active Voice: He could do the job.
Passive Voice: The job could be done by him.
Example: 3
Active Voice: I cannot remember the incident.
Passive Voice: The incident cannot be remembered by me.
Quasi Passive verb with a compliment
Example: 1
Active Voice: Honey tastes sweet.
Passive Voice: Honey is sweet when it is tasted.
Example: 2
Active Voice: The rose smells sweet.
Passive Voice: The rose is sweet when it is smelt.
Quasi Passive verb without compliment
Example: 1
Active Voice: The house is building.
Passive Voice: The house is being built.
Example: 2
Active Voice: The books are printing.
Passive Voice: The books are being printed.
Special types of Voice Change
Example: 1
Active Voice: He should be helped.
Passive Voice: Someone should help him.
Example: 2
Active Voice: The road was blocked.
Passive Voice: People blocked the road.
Example: 3
Active Voice: I saw the cleaning of the roads.
Passive Voice: I saw the roads being cleaned.
Example: 4
Active Voice: His behaviour shocked me.
Passive Voice: I was shocked at his behaviour.
Example: 5
Active Voice: I know him.
Passive Voice: He is known to me.
Example: 6
Active Voice: I will not bear such insult.
Passive Voice: Such insult will not be borne with by me.
Tags: voice change, voice change app, voice change rule, voice change exercise, voice change for imperative sentences, voice change for present continuous tense, voice change for present perfect tense, voice change for past continuous tense, voice change for past perfect tense, voice change for future continuous tense, voice change for interrogative sentences, voice change for negative sentence, important voice change for CBSE class 10, important voice change for HS, important voice change for CBSE class 12, important voice change for madhyamik, voice change in bengali, voice change pdf
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