Dear Students welcome to the official website of Pothon Pathon Online. In this post we have provided a question set on Grammar and Vocabulary for Madhyamik and Class 9/11/12 Examinations.
Question Set - 1
A .Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks:
Four persons (a) kill/ (b) was killed/ (c) were killed _____ when a matador van _____ (a) collides/(b) collided/(c) was colliding _____with a scooter last night. The driver of the matador van _____ (a) is arrested/(b) have arrested/(c)has been arrested.
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:
_____ great deal has been said and written _____ the gipsies. The gipsies attracted many people_____ their magic shows.
C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs, changing the form, where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list.
1. The brave never surrender to evil.
2. The rains will begin soon.
3. His proposal was rejected.
Question Set - 2
A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:
_______ test match ________ Eden Gardens between two rival teams,India and Pakistan,was _________ exciting one. There were ups and downs ________ the fortunes of the two teams. In the first innings India's total _________ 407 was almost overtaken __________ Pakistan.
B. Choose the Phrasal Verb from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Change the form where necessary :
1. The boy was reared by his uncle.
2. Rabi established the club before his death.
3. I cannot digest any injustice.
4. We stayed in a hotel in Digha.
5. The patient died last night.
6. One cannot change old habits.
Question Set - 3
A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:
_________ World Nutrition Week is observed ______5th _________ 12th September. _________this occasion Prof Utpal Roychoudhuri of __________ Dept of Food Technology and Biochemical Engineering, Jadavpur University lectures _________the news areas ___________ Nutrition Science ____________a seminar in Kolkata.
B. Choose the correct Phrasal Verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Change the form where necessary :
1. Tagore was born in a rich cultural family.
2. Extinguish the lamp, please.
3. The match was postponed due to bad weather.
4. The burglars forcibly entered the house.
5. The army finally surrendered.
6. He examined the account.
Question Set - 4
A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:
Once upon __________ time there was_________ boy who dreamed __________making great buildings. He made friends __________a blind man whose ambition ____________life was to design a church. One evening _________blind man told his young friend __________his concept of the perfect cathedral. The boy took _______his sketch book and began _______draw according _______the specifications dictated ________the blind man.
B. Choose the correct Phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the underlined words. Change the form where necessary :
1. His health deteriorated for prolonged illness.
2. Overwork affects our health.
3. The strike was withdrawn at last.
4. The headmaster must not reject our request.
5. Arrive in time.
6. My elder brother will appear in the HS exam this year.
Question Set - 5
A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:
In _________absence __________Andy Flower,his brother and new captain Grant Flower who had _________tremendous test series _________India, will have __________shoulder___________major responsibility. Stuart Carlisle and Dion Ebrahim have displayed their hunger _________runs and Alistair Cambell is long overdue for __________big innings.
B. Choose the correct Phrasal Verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Change the form where necessary :
1. He will continue his studies again.
2. This spot demands both speed and strength.
3. White represents purity.
4. The bomb exploded in the market.
5. Why are you quarreling with her?
6. You should execute your teacher's order.
Question Set - 6
A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:
___________New Zealand Cricket captain Stephen Fleming expects __________tough tour ___________ India. He said that the 15 member New Zealand team,who arrived _________a long and delayed Air-India flight ___________ Christchurch with a stopover __________ Singapore, would benefit _________their tour and that he was looking forward _________playing well here.
B. Choose the correct Phrasal Verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Change the form where necessary :
1. I cannot remember his name.
2. I am in search of a good job.
3. The little girl had none to take care of her.
4. None can tolerate such insult.
5. Joy met his friend in the park.
6. Cholera has spread in the locality.
Question Set - 7
A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:
The transformation minister has constituted _______ one-man committee to look _________the demand of transport operators for _________ increase_________ fares.
B. Choose the correct Phrasal Verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Change the form where necessary :
1. We wear new dress in Puja.
2. You should decrease your expenses.
3. Capital punishment should be abolished.
4. The police chased the thief.
5. I hate you.
Question Set - 8
A.Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks::
Four persons __________(a)kill,(b)was killed,(c)were killed—when a matador van _________ (a)collides ,(b)collided,(c)was colliding —with a scooter last night. The driver of the matador van ___________(a)is arrested,(b)have arrested,(c)has been arrested.
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:
___________ great deal has been said and written ___________ the gypsies. As a strange tribe they excited much curiosity in the people with whom they lived. They hawked about small articles and sold them __________ fairs.They attracted a great many people ____________ their magic shows. ___________ one time it was thought that they stole children with a view __________ training them ___________ their ways__________ life.
Question Set - 9
A.Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks::
At the end of every English text there is a list of words __________(give) in ________(alphabet) order for ___________ (refer) and __________ (revise).
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:
The disappearance of Subhas Chandra Bose _________ August 18,1945 remains still ___________ unsolved mystery. There is no definite evidence of ___________ unfortunate plane crash or of Netaji being ___________ the plane at all.
Question Set - 10
A. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks:
By the time Swami was ready to leave for school, Father _____________(a) compose,(b)composed,(c)will compose,(d)had composed— a long letter to the headmaster.
B.Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions :
I arrived _________ my cousin's house ________the evening. It was freezing cold and we had __________ early dinner in ___________large room whose walls covered __________ stuffed birds.
Question Set - 11
A. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks: :
We_____________ our breakfast half an hour ago— (a) finished,(b) have finished,(c)had finished
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions :
Lepchajagat is ____________ most exquisite place in the western part ___________ Darjeeling hills.It offers ___________ unique experience ____________ nature lovers with its alpine scenario and magnificent view of Kanchenjungha.
Question Set - 12
A. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks::
1. It is the last time we __________(a) have walked,(b) would walk,(c) walked,(d) shall be walking —with Bapu.
2. When the family __________(a) will finish,(b) has finished, (c)finished, (d) will have finished —tea, and gathers round the fire, the cat casually goes out of the room.
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:
India stormed into __________ quarter -finals ___________ the World Cup on Friday,defeating West Indies ___________ four wickets in __________ not-so-high scoring game in Perth.
Question Set - 13
A. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks::
Some days after the funeral,a special train ___________ (a) was taking, (b) had taken , (c) took — Gandhiji's ashes to Allahabad. The compartment ____________ (a) was decked, (b) decked, (c) was decking— with flowers,People on the train __________ (a) were singing, (b) sang (c) had sung —bhajans.
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:
__________ girls __________ this village have promised to fight ____________ the curse _________child marriage.
Question Set - 14
A. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks: :
1. She jumped off the bus while it ________ (a) would move (b) is moving (c) was moving.
2. I _________ (a) had (b) have (c) had had — my dinner before I went to bed.
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:
Most people are fond __________ mystery stories. They find __________ extra pleasure____________ trying to solve __________ mystery along with the investigator.
Question Set - 15
A. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks::
Now-a-days different types of pollution __________(a) makes (b) has made (c) have made — our life on this earth intolerable,sound pollution is one of them .Everyone ___________ (a) has (b) have (c) had — the right to enjoy his /her freedom .In different festivals and political campaigns loudspeakers __________ (a) use (b) is used (c) are used .
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:
1. __________ tigress captured in the Sundarbans __________ May 10 had to be brought to __________ Alipore Veterinary Hospital _________treatment.
2. In India the first successful oil well was sunk _________ Borbhil ,later known as Digboi,in Assam _________19 October 1889._________ Digboi refinery is _________ oldest running refinery in the country.
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