Dear Students, welcome to the official website of Pothon Pathon Online. In this post we have discussed the important Questions and thier Answers of WBCHSE Class 11 English. Poem No. 2 Meeting at Night. In this post we have provided Meeting at Night MCQ with answer.
Meeting at Night
Robert Brownie
1.The companion poem of "Meeting at night " is -
(A) Meeting in the morning
(B)parting at morning
(C)parting in the night
(D) none of these
Ans : none of these .
2.the sea described by the poet is -
(D) black
Ans : grey .
3.The sea is grey as there is no -
(D) storm
Ans : sun.
4."And the _____ half - moon large and low "-
(D) black
Ans : yellow .
5.the epithets used for the moon are
(D) all of these
Ans : all of these .
6. The waves are startled because -
(A)the poet's journey creats commotion on water
(B)the sea is turbulent
(C)there is high tide
(D) a tempest breaks out
Ans : the poet's journey creats commotion on water.
7.The startled little waves -
(A)leap large and low
(B)flows gently
(C)leap in fiery ringlets
(D) surges firecely
Ans : leap in fiery ringlets.
8. The lover gain the cove with -
(A)fiery ringlets
(B)pushing prow
(C)little waves
(D) small canoe
Ans : pushing prow .
9.The word 'cove' means -
(A)narrow cave
(B)sand dune
(C)river bed
(D) small boat
Ans : sand dune .
10.The speed of the boat was quenched in-
(A)the fiery ringlets
(B)slushy sand
(C)little waves
(D)shallow water
Ans : slushy sand
11.The word " prow " means -
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Tags: WBCHSE Class 11 English Notes PDF, WBCHSE Class 11 English Question Answer, Wbchse class 11 english question answer 2023, meeting at night 5 marks question and answer, meeting at night Questions and Answers suggestion 2023, meeting at night broad questions and Answers, meeting at night short questions and answers, meeting at night question answer, meeting at night mcq,
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