list of Top 10 world richest country and their Prime Minister / President | General Knowledge


Here we are providing you with the list of the Top 10 wealthiest/ richest countries and leaders in power. Hopefully, it will help you in your study and knowledge. 


GDP in US$ milion (IMF)

Prime Minister / President 

United Nations 25,346,805Joe Biden
China 19,911,593Xi Jinping
Japan4,912,147Fumio Kishida 
Germany 4,256,540Frank Walter Steinmeier 
India 3,534,743Narendra Modi 
United Kindom 3,376,003Liz Truss 
France 2,936,702Emmanuel Macron 
Canada2,221,218Justin Trudeau
Italy 2,058,330Mario Draghi 
Brazil 1,833,274Jair Bolsobaro 

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Keywords : list of top 10 richest country in the world, list of top 10 richest countries in the world 2022, list of top 10 richest country,  worlds richest country list, list of top 10 richest countries in the world 2021, 

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