Madhyamik English Writing Suggestion 2024


Hello students, welcome to Pothon Pathon Online. In this post we have have shared suggestions for the upcoming Madhyamik Exam 2024. Here we have discussed the important writings suggestions for Madhyamik Exam 2024.

Madhyamik English Writing Suggestions 2024

মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশনস 2024

Writing Skills Suggestions


Report Writing 

Important Report Writing for Madhyamik 2024

1. Write a news paper report about an accident that took place yesterday. Use the following points:

[Date and time - place - cause of the accident - consequences - actions taken]

2. Write a news paper report about a girl who succeeded in avoiding untimely marriage to pursue her studies. You may use the following points : 

Date - Place - what happened - how she saved herself - help promised by the admistration

3. Write a report on a Book Fair using the following points : 

[Date - place - duration of the fair - no. of stalls - types of books sold - food court - peoples opinion]

4. Write a newspaper report on the outbreak of the fire in your local market. You may use the following points : 

Date and time - place - cause of fire - damages - actions taken 


5. Write a report on a "Blood Donation Camp" organised in your locality.

Biography Writing

Important Biography Writing for Madhyamik 2024

1. Lata Mangeshkar

2. Shane Warne

3. Sandhya Mukhopadhyay

4. Virat Kohli (Answer)

5. Mother Teresa

6. APJ Abdul Kalam (Answer)

7. Mahasweta Devi

8. Neeraj chopra (Answer)

9. Milkha Singh

10. Avani Lekhara

11 Singer KK  (Answer)


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Notice Writing

Important Notice Writing for Madhyamik 2024

1. Students notice on "Safe Drinking water" or "Save Water Save life"

2. Blood donation camp organised by your club.

3. Covid-19 vaccination camp organised by your club.

4. Organisation of awareness campaigns on "Safe Drive Save Life"

5.  Suppose you are the captain of your school. Write a notice for the students to participate in a programme entitled "Keep Your School clean".

6. Free health check up camp. 

7. As the secretary of the Eco-club of your school write a notice requesting the students to participate in the 'Tree Plantation Programme' of your school. Get the notice countersigned by the Head of the institution.

8. Dengue has broken out in your locality. Write a notice for the residents of your locality to prevent the spread of dengue.

Story Writing 

Important Story Writing for Madhyamik 2024

1. Write a story using these points within 100 words : 

A fisherman went to sea - a storm arose - boat break the sticks when tied in a bundle - father explains the reason 

2. Write a story using these points within 100 words : 

An ass - puts on lion's skin - beasts in the forest take him for a lion - once tried to frighten a fox - brays aloud - identity revealed - killed by other animals 

3. Write a story using these points within 100 words : 

The limbs of the body quarrel with the belly - they think they all work hard to run the body - but the belly only receives food etc - they all stop working - the belly starves - all the limbs become weak - lose strength - learn the lessons of co-operation 

4. Write a story using these points within 100 words : 

You sleep - gone to land of robots - a robot welcomes you - they offer food - food not edible - a feeling of discomfort - no tree - breathing trouble - awake .

5. Write a story using these points within 100 words : 

A disciple asked his guru about the real man - guru told him a story - a man was wounded by some miscreants - people overlooked - one farmer helped - disciple got his answer.

Process Writing

Important Process Writing for Madhyamik 2024

1. Sending message from mobile phone.

2. Publication of Newspaper. (Show Answer)

3. Publication of School Magazine.

4. Preparation of ORS.

5. Process of making guava jelly (Show Answer)

6. Downloading Covid-19 vaccination certificeate. **

7. Sending money thorough UPI.

8. Preparation of hand sanitizer (Show Answer)

9. Preparation of orange juice (Show Answer)

**For more writing answers click here


Letter Writing

Important Letter Writings for Madhyamik 2024

1.Write a letter to your friend about the benefits of reading a good newspaper everyday.

2. Write a letter to your friend (in about 120 words) telling him/her how you have planned to spend your days after the Madhyamik Exam.

3. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper (within 100 words) about carelessness of people about wearing face masks during the ongoing Covid Pandemic.

4. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper (within 100 words) about the problems faced by common people due to uncontrolled use of loudspeakers and soundboxes during different programmes and festivals.

5. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper (within 100 words) about the problems faced by the public due to the reckless driving of vehicles.

6. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to be aware of the several abuses of mobile phones and tell him what to do and what not to do in order to be safe.

7. Dengue has broken out in your area in almost an epidemic form.Write a letter to the editor of an English daily drawing the attention of the higher authorities to the problem and demanding measure to fight this disease.



Paragraph Writing

Important Paragraph Writing for Madhyamik 2024

1. Write a paragraph on Sportsperson you admire most.

2. Write a paragraph about the person like most in your family. (Show Answer)

3. Write a paragraph on 2021 Tokyo Olympics. (Show Answer)

4. Write a paragraph on Corona virus : A great threat to the world. (Show Answer)

5. Write a paragraph on the advantages and disadvantages of the offline classes in the time of Covid-19.

6. Write a paragraph on Safe Drive and Save life. (Show Answer)

7. Write a paragraph on 'The Benefits of Early Morning Exercises'. (Show Answer)

8. Write a paragraph on the advantages and disadvantages online class. (Show Answer)

9. Write a paragraph on "Keeping Your Surroundings Clean and Eco-friendly"


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Tags:  WBBSE Madhyamik Suggestions 2024, madhyamik english writing suggestion 2024, Madhyamik English Suggestion 2024 PDF, Madhyamik Suggestion 2024 pdf free download, Madhyamik Process writing suggestion 2024, Madhyamik Suggestion English, Madhyamik English Suggestions 2024 New Syllabus, Madhyamik Paragraph Writing Suggestions, Madhyamik Biography Writing Suggestions, WBBSE Madhyamik English Writing Suggestions 2024, দশম শ্রেণী ইংরেজি সাজেশনস 2024, মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশনস 2024, 

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