Today we will solve some important english grammars.
Today's Topic
Voice Change
◼Choose the most appropriate option to change the voice(active/passive) form of the given sentence.
(1) Somebody must have taken my clothes.
Ans: My watch must have been taken.
(2) Nothing is to be gained.
Ans:We have nothing to gain.
(3) The thief was being arrested by the police.
Ans: The police was arresting the thief.
(4) Sayanti might wash clothes.
Ans: Clothes might be washed by Sayanti.
(5) When is the application sent?
Ans: When do they send the letter?
(6) It is the time to open the box.
Ans: It is time for the box to be opened.
(7) Your parents should be heard.
Ans: Hear your parents.
(8) They crowned Priyadarshini Miss India.
Ans: Priyadarshini was crowned Miss India.
(9) Will students have completed your work?
Ans: Will your work has been completed by students?
(10) They agree that nepotism is destructive.
Ans: It is agreed that nepotism is destructive.
(11) It is suggested that we should go to Shimla.
Ans: Let us go to Shimla.
(12) The DM keeps the work pending.
Ans: The work is kept pending by the DM.
(13) They believed that they were waiting for the green signal.
Ans: It was believed that they were waiting for the green signal.
(14) The hall room was covered with dust particles.
Ans: Dust particles covered the room.
(15) You are forbidden to step out.
Ans: Don't step out.
Tags: voice change exercise, voice change rules, voice change example, voice change questions, voice
change answer, voice change active to passive, voice change all rules
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