National Policy on Senior Citizen 2011 - Detail Study | Policies in India


The National Policy on Older Persons was first time introduced in 1999. The well-being of senior citizens in India is mandated in the Constitution of India under Article 41. “The state shall, within the limits of its economic capacity and development, make effective provision for securing the right to public assistance in cases of old age”.

The Madrid Plan and United Nations Principles made international efforts in National Policy on Older Persons. The policy and plans were put in place by central and state governments for the welfare of older persons. 

There are several ways to help older citizens, such as - 

  • Pensions
  • Travel concessions
  • Income tax relief
  • medical benefit
  • Extra interest on savings
  • Security of older persons through an integrated scheme of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, as well as financial support, provided for Homes.
  • Day Care Centres
  • Medical Vans
  • Help Lines etc., are currently extended.

Why is the number of older persons increasing?

Human Life expectancy has been increasing for the last few years. It has resulted in a rapid increase in the number of older persons and a significant shift in the age groups of 80 and above.

Percentage of Old age people increase in India : 

  • The demographic profile predicts that in the years 2000-2050.
  • The overall population in India will grow by 55%.
  • The population of 60 years and above will increase by 326%. 
  • The age group of 80+ will increase by 700% 
  • It will be the fastest growing age group. 
  • $\small \frac{1}{8}$ the world's elderly population lives in India.


Total Populations











In India, most of the old age population never retire in the usual sense of the term. They work until their last breath. In the absence of savings, they suffer due to poor living standards. In a country like India, old age income security is a massive challenge for the govt. 

What kinds of care should the govt take to make their life better? 

  • Socio-economic
  • Financial
  • Health
  • Shelter

Here we will enlist some particular factors which are needed to be focused on: 

Special Attention to 

  • Elderly Women: Both genders have their own problems with ageing, but for the females, it differs from the male population in several cases. In our society, several discriminatory factors are based on class, caste, disability, illiteracy, unemployment and marital status. Patriarchal hierarchy and access to property rights play a massive role in this. Females have a higher rate of having chronic illnesses and disabilities in later life than men. Mainly women belonging to low-income groups /family experience social and mental health issues. Over 50% of women over age 80 are widows.
  • Rural Poor People: Many households in rural areas at the bottom of the income level in India, so they are too poor to save for their old age. Available resources are used to meet daily consumption needs. The absolute poor in India cannot participate in long-term savings schemes for their old age. The poverty in rural areas for older persons is increasing and needs attention. Hence rural poor would need social security in considerable measure.
  • Advancement of Technology : Rural Poor People: Many households in rural areas at the bottom of the income level in India, so they are too poor to save for their old age. Available resources are used to meet daily consumption needs. The absolute poor in India cannot participate in long-term savings schemes for their old age. The poverty in rural areas for older persons is increasing and needs attention. Hence rural poor would need social security in considerable measure.

The focus of the new policy:

  • Mainstream senior citizens, especially older women, bring their concerns to the national development debate.
  • Promote the concept of 'Ageing in Place' or ageing in own home, housing, income security and homecare services, old age pension and access to healthcare insurance schemes and other programmes and services to facilitate and sustain dignity in old age.
  • The policy will consider institutional care as a last resort. It recognises that care of old age people has to be followed in the family, which would partner with the community, government and the private sector.
  • Following the Madrid Plan of Action and Barrier-Free Framework, it will work toward an inclusive, barrier-free and age-friendly society.
  • Recognise that senior citizens are a valuable resource for our country and create an atmosphere that provides them with equal opportunities, protects their rights and enables their full participation in society. The policy visualises that the states will extend their support for senior citizens living below the poverty line in urban and rural areas and ensure their social security, healthcare, shelter and welfare. It will protect them from abuse and exploitation so that the quality of their lives improves.
  • Employment in income-generating activities after superannuation(a retirement fund offered by an employer) will be introduced in society. 
  • Support and assist organisations that provide counselling, career guidance and training services.
  • States will be advised to implement the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007, especially for those unable to maintain themselves. 
  • States will set up homes with proper living facilities for abandoned senior citizens in every district of the country, and there will be adequate budgetary. 

I. Income security in old age : 

A significant intervention required in old age relates to financial insecurity as more than two third of the elderly live below the poverty line(BPL) category. It would increase with age uniformly across the country.

1. Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme : 

  • The old-age pension scheme would cover all senior citizens below the poverty line.
  • The rate of monthly pension would be raised to Rs.1000 per month per person and this should be revised as inflation is one of the major concerns for a country like India.
  • The "oldest old‟ would be covered under Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS). They would be provided additional pensions in case of disability, loss of adult children and concomitant responsibility for grandchildren and women. This would be revised every five years.

2. Public Distribution System : 

  • The public distribution system would reach out to cover all senior citizens living below the poverty line.

3. IncomeTax

  • Relief in Taxation policies can be beneficial to old people because the financial problems of senior citizens accelerate due to very high costs of medical and nursing care, transportation and support services needed at homes.

4. Microfinance 
  • loans should be provided to senior citizen at a minium rate to enhance their small scale business.

II. Healthcare 

  • Helath care should be affordable, easily accesable. Helathcare needs of senior citizens will given high priority. 
  • Basic structure for upliftment of Oldage helath will be provided through Primary health care. Preventive, curative, restorative and rehabilitative services will be expanded through Secondary and Tertiary levels. 
  • Twice in a year the PHC nurse or the ASHA will conduct a special screening of the 80+ population of villages and urban. Public / Private healthcare in rural areas will help in non-commmunicable disease affected region in country.
  • Helath insurance will be provided to those people coming from different income segments. Universal application of health insurance – RSBY (Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana) will be provided to all districts and senior citizens. 
  • Early age people will be encouraged to contribute to the government to create the oldage healthcare fund.
  • Special programmes will be implemented to disctrics for increase awareness on mental helath.
  • Use AI based  digital  science and technology to expand services to under service areas.

III. Welfare

  • A welfare fund should be fix for senior citizens will be set up by the govt. The fund should be generated from a socials security cess.
  • All senior citizens, especially widows, single women and oldest old should be eligible for all the sechmes. 

IV. Media 

  • Informal and traditional communication channels on ageing issues can be raised through mass media. 
  • Media has an important role to play to highlight problems related to current situation of senior citizens. 

V. Safety and Security  

  • A provision should be made for Abuse against elderly people.
  • Police should maintain direct communication with senior citizens whether living alone or as couples to planfor security.
  • Community awareness and policing should be promoted for senior citizens especially widows and those living alone and disabled.

V. Housing 

  • Age friendly, barrier-free access should be provided in buses and bus stations, railways and railway stations, airports and bus transportation.
  • Develop housing complexes for single older men and women
  • Senior citizens will be given loans for purchase of houses

Implementation Mechanism 

  • Establishment of Department of Senior Citizens under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment 
  • Establishment of Directorates of Senior Citizens in states and union territories
  • National/State Commission for Senior Citizens
  • Establishment of National Council for Senior Citizens
  • Responsibility for Implementation
  • Role of Block Development Offices, Panchayat Raj Institutions and Tribal Councils/Gram Sabhas

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Keywords : national policy on senior citizens 2011, national policy for older persons in India, national policy on older persons was enacted in which year, draft national policy on senior citizens 2020, national policy for older persons 1999 pdf, national policy for senior citizens 2011 pdf, national policy for senior citizens 2011 upsc, national policy for senior citizens upsc, 

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