1) The Negritos,
2) The Proto-Australoids,
3) The Mongoloids –
Palaeo Mongoloids
long-headed type
broad-headed type
4) The Mediterranean –
Oriental sub-type of the Mediterranean,
5) The Western broad-headed people or Brachycephals consisting of –
The Alpanoids
The Dinarics
The Armenoids
6) The Nordics.
The Negritos are diminutive in size, with shaggy hair, a bulbous forehead, a large flat nose, and somewhat projecting jaws. They are thought to have entered India the first. They arrived from the African subcontinent and crossed the border into India via the north-west gate. Tribal communities like the Kadars and Puliyuns, who reside in the hills and forests of the peninsula, as well as maybe the Jarwa and Onge tribes residing on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, serve as representation for them. The majority of these tribes speak an Austric language.👉Proto-Australoids
The Proto-Australoids likely followed the Negritos very quickly. They originated in the African continent as well. In several remote or semi-remote areas of the nation, they make up the majority of the population. Their physical differences from the Negritos are mostly due to the lack of woolly hair. Their hair is curly. They are primarily located in central and southern India's mountainous and wooded regions. They make up the lower class of society and are also extremely common in northern India. The majority of these tribes also speak an Austric language. The earliest known migrations of Austric-speaking people are estimated to have occurred 50–65 years ago.👉Mongoloid
The mongoloid race features low height, tiny and broad noses, straight hair, and slanted eyes. They are mostly located in the Ladakh region of the Himalayan borderlands. North-eastern India's Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, and Assam. They originated mostly in China and came from central and northern Asia. The north-east gate was where they entered India. They are mostly found in the Himalayan foothills and are particularly common among Assamese tribes and near the Indo-Burman border. Their primary languages are Sino-Tibetan. Around 50 years ago, migrants who spoke Sino-Tibetan possibly arrived in India.👉Brachycephalic
Through the north-west gate, the brachycephalic people (Alpinoids, Dinarics, and Armenoids) also entered. These individuals arrived in India along three primary routes that passed through Baluchistan, Sind, Kathiawar, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu, as well as the Ganga Valley and the delta, Chitral, Gilgit, and portions of Kashmir and Nepal. The Coorgis and the Paris are their representatives.The Dravidian speaking group makes up the majority of the population in the southern states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh. One of the oldest populations on the Indian subcontinent is the Dravidian-speaking people. They arrived from the Middle East through the northwestern gateways some 6000 years ago.
The Aryan speaking Nordic arrived with the most recent immigration surge. They have long heads, fair complexions, well-developed noses, and bodies that are well-built. Sometime about the second millennium B.C., they arrived in India. These individuals are primarily concentrated in the nation's northwest. They predominate in many regions of north India, including Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, and the North Western Frontier Provinces of Pakistan. Indo-European (Aryan) languages are spoken by them.If you have any questions or comments, you can let us know in the comment box below this post.
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Keywords : racial and linguistic groups of india , racial and linguistic groups of india pdf, racial and linguistic groups of india upsc, racial and linguistic groups of india, racial and linguistic elements in indian population, racial and linguistic affinities of tribes in india, racial and linguistic eommunalism upsc, racial diversity and linguistic diversity, racial origin and cultural and linguistic background, diversity linguistic racial ethnic and religious,
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